Allan's Secret by Rita Jean-Dionne

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Allan's Secret


246 pages


Rita Jean-Dionne


Les éditions Melonic

Buy : 22,00 $

By the author, phone ; (819) 758-4706




Allan was born in a family who has lived through the Economic Crash of 1929. After his studies at the elementary school of his town, he pursued higher studies at the college sponsored by the parish priest.

Because he was from a humble origin, he was an easy target to make fun of by his well-off peers. His father’s death at that time caused him a health problem - he was shy, pale, skinny, and sensitive - because he couldn’t evacuate his sorrow. “A man doesn’t cry”. He devoted his life to education in rural schools first. The classrooms were devoid of any teaching aids. His resourcefulness brought him problems with the school inspector, the trustees, and the parents who couldn’t understand anything. Contrary to his time period, he had developed a universal consciousness and educated the children accordingly. With time and patience, he finally acquired trust and respect from everyone. His travels abroad with his wife won’t leave anyone indifferent. All his adult life, rested in his heart of hearts a secret that became known to his family only after his passage into eternity.

Copyright © 2004, Les éditions Mélonic